Data Catalog


Click an image below for a dataset description and links to download the data, REST endpoints and complete metadata.
Click here to download all GCAMP vector data as an ESRI 10.4 File Geodatabase.
Click here to download all GCAMP raster data in .IMG format.

The DEM is unavailable for download due to file size. Please contact maxwell.kleinhans@dnr.ga.gov to request the data.

Maps and Apps

Discover, explore and analyze GCAMP's geospatial data through our ArcGIS online maps and story maps. Click an image below to go directly to a specific map or story map.

GCAMP Overview Story Map

The GCAMP Overview Story Map is an online, interactive, map-based slide show created using ESRI's Story Map templates available on ArcGIS.com. The GCAMP Overview Story Map is designed to provide site visitors with a broad summary of the Georgia Coastal and Mapping Project(GCAMP). Story map slides include a project overview, links to tutorials on how to use GCAMP maps and apps, link to a marine life resource guids, a hypothethical case study for offshore permitting, and additional GCAMP-related information.

GCAMP Tutorial Story Map

The GCAMP Tutorial Story Map is an online, interactive, map-based slide show created using ESRI's Story Map templates available on ArcGIS.com. The GCAMP Tutorial Story Map is designed to provide site visitors with detailed instructions on using the various tools available in GCAMP Map Applications. Each slide is dedicated to a GCAMP Map Application tool (print, charts, measure, query, layer and legend, basemaps, drawing) and provides embedded YouTube video tutorials for your viewing pleasure.


Built using ESRI's Web App Builder, the Georgia Coastal and Marine Planner (GCAMP) Map contains custom tools designed to make utilization of GCAMP data easy, useful and informative. GCAMP Map Application users can perform custom queries on various datasets, view data charts, draw and measure features, turn layers on and off, adjust layer transparency, view attribute tables, identify features, change basemaps, view animations of time enabled data and print custom maps.

GCAMP Energy Map

Built using ESRI's Web App Builder, the Georgia Coastal and Marine Planner (GCAMP) Energy Map contains custom tools designed to make utilization of GCAMP data easy, useful and informative. GCAMP Energy Map users can perform custom energy-specific queries on various datasets, view data charts, draw and measure features, turn layers on and off, adjust layer transparency, view attribute tables, identify features, change basemaps, view animations of time enabled data and print custom maps.

GCAMP Fisheries Map

Built using ESRI's Web App Builder, the Georgia Coastal and Marine Planner (GCAMP) Fisheries Map contains custom tools designed to make utilization of GCAMP data easy, useful and informative. GCAMP Fisheries Map users can perform custom fisheries-specific queries on various datasets, view data charts, draw and measure features, turn layers on and off, adjust layer transparency, view attribute tables, identify features, change basemaps, view unbelievable time-series animations of Georgia DNR CRD trawl survey data and print custom maps.

GCAMP Habitat Map

Built using ESRI's Web App Builder, the Georgia Coastal and Marine Planner (GCAMP) Habitat Map contains custom tools designed to make utilization of GCAMP data easy, useful and informative. GCAMP Habitat Map users can perform custom habitat-specific queries on various datasets, view data charts, draw and measure features, turn layers on and off, adjust layer transparency, view attribute tables, identify features, change basemaps, view animations of time enabled data and print custom maps.

GCAMP Shipping Map

Built using ESRI's Web App Builder, the Georgia Coastal and Marine Planner (GCAMP) Shipping Map contains custom tools designed to make utilization of GCAMP data easy, useful and informative. GCAMP Shipping Map Application users can perform custom shipping-specific queries on various datasets, view data charts, draw and measure features, turn layers on and off, adjust layer transparency, view attribute tables, identify features, change basemaps, view animations of time enabled data and print custom maps.

TNC Recreational Use Map

Built using ESRI's Web App Builder, the The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Recreational Use Map contains data layers showing locations of six common recreational uses (birding, diving, ecotourism, fishing, boating, and paddling) occuring on and off coastal Georgia. TNC Recreational Use Map Application users can view data collected by the Nature Conservancy between 2015-2017, draw and measure features, turn layers on and off, adjust layer transparency, view attribute tables, identify features, change basemaps, and print custom maps.

AIS Shipping Animation

The Automatic Identification System (AIS), is an automatic tracking system used on ships and by vessel traffic services (VTS) for identifying and locating vessels by electronically exchanging data with other nearby ships, AIS base stations, and satellites. Using historic AIS data provided by MarineCadastre.gov, the Georgia Tech team compiled and animated daily shipping tracks from 2009-2012 for the Atlantic Ocean from Charleston, SC to Jacksonville, FL. And it is all set to a dramatic musical shipping score composed by the all powerful, SpatialT. Don't blow a speaker.

Hypothetical Wind Farm Story Map

The GCAMP Hypothetical Wind Farm Story Map is an online, interactive, map-based slide show created using ESRI's Story Map templates available on ArcGIS.com. The GCAMP Hypothetical Wind Farm Story Map follows a fictional southeastern utility corporation (SOSUCO) through the process of establishing a wind farm off the coast of Georgia. The intent of the slide show is to demonstrate how GCAMP maps and data resources can be utilized by both developers and regulators to evaluate the feasibility of such a proposal.

About Us

The Georgia Coastal and Marine Planner (GCAMP) was created by Georgia Tech's Center for GIS and the Strategic Energy Institute for the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Coastal Management Program with funding provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The Planner’s intended use is solely for planning purposes and the GA Tech Center for GIS, Strategic Energy Institute, DNR, and NOAA make no warranty, representation, or guarantee to the accuracy or completeness of the content.